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        As a general rule there are two things that the "State" or "Plaintiff" has to use against you, you are the "Defendant."

       The "State" is when the District attorney picks up your case and decides regardless of the victim a crime has been committed.

1. The Charges 
     a. Includes the ORS (this is the definition of your charge) type in the browser of your computer the exact ORS and see what it says. Does it match the charge? Is it accurate allegedly.
2. Discovery- This is all the evidence the DA or the plaintiff has to prove their case against you.


Rules are created for multiple reasons: 
1. to help the court, and you to understand what you are being charged with. 
        a. you want to look up each code/rule/sighting you have charged against (this is located on the charges page) you and see if it is accurate for the charge. Then fight your case only on those allegations. Even if they are incorrect. -you still want to be prepared. 







State local rule


Each county and each court has their own rules. 

The Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure govern civil proceedings in Oregon circuit courts. The Council on Court Procedures(CCP) drafted a comprehensive set of civil trial court rules and subm​itted these rules to the 1979 Legislative Assembly, which adopted the ORCP effective January 1, 1980.


Example: motions, filings etc

a DA is required to follow the rules, and if she/he  ignores or violates them, she/he must be called out on this. YOU  have the opportunity to find where she/he violated the law and bring it to the attention of your attorney. 



Uniform Trial Court Rules


Formatting of documents 

Timing of trial 

Court procedures 


Now what do you do?

Study the rules that apply to you. 

Once you have the discovery and the charges, it's time to get to work. Go to Step 1  follow the directions

Other Resources of information 

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